Gender-based violence is one of the key issues tapped by JurFem experts.
Women lawyers from the organization shared typical stories that they receive at JurFem:support line on a daily basis, such as women's appeals regarding cases of sexual and domestic violence.
In particular, within the framework of our work, we received an appeal from a girl who had been raped. The girl decided to report what happened only two years from the day the crime had been committed. Her desire to forget what had happened, her parents' downplaying of the gravity of her problem, and the need for psychological support prevented her from seeking legal assistance for a considerable period of time.
JurFem:the support helped a woman write a statement to law enforcement agencies based on which criminal proceedings were opened.
Within the criminal proceedings, a forensic psychological examination was conducted, which revealed the fact of sexual violence against the girl. Criminal proceedings in this case are still ongoing, but we hope that the victim will receive adequate protection of her rights, and the offender will be held accountable.